Second Six Weeks Report
September 5 - October 13, 1995
                                          Fourth Grade
Art:  (pages 18-28 of The Lamb's Book of Art) Drew overlapping objects, things that go around, chain links; studied examples from Leonardo da Vinci's journal.
Music:  Beginning piano (Usborne), guitar (Melbay), and drums.  (Music or art in a day)
Math:  (pages 33-111 of A Beka Arithmetic 4) Measurement equations, division with money dividends, averaging, 3-digit multiplication, division with 2-digit divisor, remainders as fractions, factoring, greatest common factors (GCFs), changing improper fractions. Read Mitsumasa Anno's Math Games, I and III.
Science:  Wired a "quick-draw" game on Radio Shack 200-in-one electronics lab, read pages 1-14 in Usborne Introduction to Chemistry.
Nature/Bible Study:  Wood duck (illustrates courage in following difficult instructions) and Naaman (pages 152-163 of Basic Institute Character Sketches).
Otter (illustrates responsibility in turning routine tasks into enjoyable experiences) and Moses (his failure to accept responsibilities joyfully ultimately defeated him) (pages 116-125).
Read Revelation, Esther, Philippians, James (in the process).
Spelling:  (Units 4-8 Christian Liberty Press Building Spelling Skills, Book 4) Twenty words a unit dealing with word-endings and plurals.
English:  (pages 136-186 A Beka Language A) Compound subjects and verbs, diagramming, antecedents, and subject, object and possessive pronouns.
Literature:  Read Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson (children's version), heard Beverly Cleary autobiography during story time, and saw two performances of Two Gentlemen of Verona  (2 G's of V) at Duncanville High School, The Story of Doctor Doolittle, by Hugh Lofting.
Reading:  Clue Books 1-10 numerous times, We Were There at the Battle of the Bulge, An Artist, by M. B. Goffstein, It's God's World news magazine, Kid's Guideposts.
Writing:  Wrote a description, a narrative, reports on Uzi SMG and battleships, and "Bear Clue" stories, drew up a design of an original car, started practicing outlines, wrote to the Prime Minister of Nepal.
Handwriting:  Practiced on upper- and lower-case letters in Christian Liberty Press Writing with Grace workbook and in journal.
Memorization:  Twenty-one stanzas from Grammy's "Houses" poem, the 48 states from DF Glurp (1 state for each letter), KSTV (2 states), ACO (3), IW (4), and MN (8) (both in the process).
History:  (pages 138-195 of A Beka History of Our United States) American Revolution, Constitution and Bill of Rights, Northwest Territory, Louisiana Purchase (1803), War of 1812, Texas Annexation (1845), Mexican Cession (1848), Gadsden Purchase (1853), and      Oregon Territory (1846).
Related reading:  Included Illustrated American Revolution (comic book style), Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? and And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz, The Story of the Green Mountain Boys, The Many Lives of Ben Franklin, by Aliki, We Were There at the Battle of the Bulge, The Courage of Sarah Noble, by Alice Dalgliesh, and We Were There on the Chisholm Trail.
Projects:  Made ink from pecan shells, rolled cartridges (using sand instead of black powder) for an imaginary "Brown Bess" musket and practiced loading and firing in an orderly fashion, dramatized Patrick Henry's St. John's Church speech.
The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, by Giblin, and Greek myths during story time.
Geography:  States, capitals, longitude, and latitude on Discovery Toys USA map and Rand McNally sticker book.
SWDHSA Activities Day:  P.E., pencil sketching, and outer space, 9:00-12:00 every other Monday.
Cooking:  Pumpkin pie, steak and rice.
Summer reading:  Number the Stars, The Trumpeter of Krakow, by Eric Kelly, Shiloh, Hatchet, Onion John, by Joseph Krumgold.
Grades:  Art/Music A, Math A, Science/Nature/Bible Study A, Spelling A, English/Literature/Reading/Memorization A, Writing/Handwriting A, History/Geography A

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